@pink Instagram
@pink Instagram

Congratulations to Pink and her husband, Carey Hart. The singer is pregnant with the couple’s second child!

Pink confirmed the baby buzz that’s been floating recently, taking to social media to show off a pic of her wearing a top hat and flowy dress, cradling her tummy with their five-year-old daughter, Willow, by her side. She captioned the pic “Surprise!”

We’ll say. She looks pretty far along and managed to keep it secret for quite a while! That’s never easy for celebs, but she pulled it off…and looks amazing, might we add.

Pink and Carey were married in 2006 and have been together since 2001.


Headshot of Miranda Mendelson

Miranda Mendelson (she/her) has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Northridge with a minor in Women’s Studies. She is an owner/partner in BabyNames.com and daughter of founder Jennifer Moss.

Miranda is a long-time beauty influencer and entrepreneur, authoring her own blog and social media channels under SlashedBeauty.com.