@blakelively Instagram
@blakelively Instagram

Oops, Ryan Reynolds accidentally spilled the baby beans…revealing on TV that he and wife Blake Lively recently had another girl!

During an appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show, Ryan was asked about how the new addition is going. He revealed: “A lot of estrogen. It feels like an American Girl doll just took a s**t on my life.”

Uh, yeah. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. Now everyone knows. And, since he made the boo-boo, he had to make things right with Blake.

Blake revealed Ryan’s sweet gift to make up for his talk show blunder, as she shared on Instagram: “The ways I know that @vancityreynolds got himself into huge trouble on @teamcoco tonight: Not only did he come home with my true love, @levain_bakery cookies, but he personally toasted them for me and brought me a cup of milk WITH ICE. Literal brownie points.”

All is forgiven.

This new info about the baby’s gender confirms a tweet Ryan posted in October: “The mobile above my daughter’s crib is just a whole bunch of NuvaRings. So she remembers how lucky she is.”

There is still a little bit of a mystery surrounding baby number 2, who was born in September – her name. Maybe he’ll reveal that on another talk show?

Headshot of Miranda Mendelson

Miranda Mendelson (she/her) has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Northridge with a minor in Women’s Studies. She is an owner/partner in BabyNames.com and daughter of founder Jennifer Moss.

Miranda is a long-time beauty influencer and entrepreneur, authoring her own blog and social media channels under SlashedBeauty.com.