Crystals can be considered earth’s art, a beautiful representation of the colors and shapes Mother Earth can create! Many believe that crystals absorb, retain, and generate different energies, and each has its own distinct meaning and energetic property.

Many parents have already used crystal names as baby names including Jade, Jasper, Ruby, and most recently, Onyx! Here we’ve curated a list of more gemstones and crystals for unique baby name inspiration.


Amethyst is a variety of quartz which ranges in color from deep purple to pale lavender depending on the percentage of manganese and iron. It’s been believed to have the power to quell a range of physical appetites, addictions, and indulgences. This sobering effect is also believed to clarify mental acuity, improving the decision-making ability of those who wear it.

Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one’s intelligence. Healers have used Amethyst for centuries to increase their psychic energy. It is also thought to evoke feelings of serenity and peace to those who wear it. Amethyst is often used during meditation to provide an overall sense of spiritual balance. Some naturopaths will use amethyst to help treat insomnia and sugar imbalances, and to relieve headaches.


Aquamarine helps to calm feelings that might be overwhelming you at the moment. It assists in finding the root of a problem and clarify the solution. The name originates from the Italian word for seawater. Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family, along with the emerald. It can be found in a range of pale blue hues and aqua green colors. Aquamarine is the birthstone for March.

The Romans believed that if a frog were carved onto an aquamarine stone, it would make enemies into friends. The ancient Greeks and the Romans considered it a sailor’s stone – worn to ensure a safe and prosperous passage across stormy seas.

Aquamarine represents happiness, hope and everlasting youth. Today, aquamarine is still thought to bring protection to those at sea and is a popular gift among ocean travelers. On land, it is believed to have soothing effects on couples, helping them to work through their differences and ensure a long and happy marriage. It gives the bearer courage and preparedness and is believed to help maintain balance and order. If you dream of aquamarine, it is said that you will make new friends, and wearing earrings of aquamarine are thought to bring love and affection into your life.

Aura (Rainbow) Quartz

Aura or “Rainbow” Quartz is a process that bonds metals and minerals to quartz. It is said to possess an intense energy of calmness assisting by relieving negativity and stress, and promoting optimism and joy.


Aventurine is a style of quartz that helps in renewing optimism and promotes confidence and happiness. It is also used as a stone of opportunity and good fortune. Aventurine gets its name from the Italian word “avventura” which means “by chance,” risk or kismet. Ancient Tibetans would decorate the eyes of their statues with the aventurine, to enhance the subject’s visionary powers.

Aventurine is believed to be a positive stone of prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. It is a stone used to promote open-mindedness and the ability to see alternatives and possibilities.


Carnelian assists in boosting creativity, stamina, and motivation. It is an energizing and uplifting crystal.

Ancient artifacts using carnelian date back to 1800 BCE on the island of Crete. Carnelian was believed by the Romans to be a stone of courage, giving one confidence and strength. In ancient Egypt, Carnelian was placed on mummies to assist the dead in their journey to the afterlife. In the Middle Ages, carnelian was used by alchemists when boiling stone to release the energy of other gemstones.

Carnelian has been worn in cameos in the belief that it would ward off insanity and depression. In contemporary times, it is thought to enhance self-esteem and creativity, and combat feelings of inadequacy. It can increase physical energy and overcome insomnia. Carnelian is sometimes used as a talisman to protect against fire and misfortune.

Celestite / Celestine

Celestite is named after the heavens and has a gentle, calming energy that assists in shifting perspectives allowing for a graceful solution. It provides a sense of soothing–an uplifting feeling that you are being watched over and cared for by a loving guide.


This stone was was reportedly discovered in Istanbul, Turkey. The name most probably is derived from the ancient town of Chalcedony in Asia Minor.

Chalcedony is thought to be lucky for those born under the sign of Cancer, and protective stone for those born under Sagittarius. Many people believe in the healing and cleansing properties of the stone that include the absorbing and dissipating of negative energy, so that it does not transfer to other people.


Citrine is a prosperity stone that attracts good luck, fortune, and success. It is said to transform negative energy into a positive. Its name is derived from the Latin word “citrina” because of its pale yellow citrus color, formed by its iron content. It was thought to improve communication and to attract wealth. To the Romans, it was the stone of Mercury, the messenger god, and it was used for carving intaglios.

Citrine has been referred to as a “money stone” or success stone. It is thought to have a positive influence that can relieve backache and combat depression, negative energy and problems with the liver, spleen, digestive system and the bladder.

Crystal (Quartz)

is a cleansing and amplifying crystal. It is said to absorb, regulate, and release negative energy. Many people use this as a “carry around” crystal throughout the day. It is also known to help store information for later retrieval, like a natural computer.

People in the earliest recorded times believed in the magical powers of quartz. Ancient Roman, Egyptian and Greek civilizations used quartz crystals as talismans and charms. The Ancient Japanese believed quartz formed from the breath of a white dragon, and regarded it as representing perfection.

Quartz crystal is used as a healing stone. It has been called the “Universal Crystal” because of its many uses and is beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection and channeling.

Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies thought processes and emotions, it can increase inspiration and creativity. It can also help with concentration, studying and retaining what one learns.


The word “diamond” comes from the ancient Greek word “adamas,” meaning unbreakable, invincible. Diamonds are believed to be used as a gemstone in India for more than 5,000 years.

Beyond their modern representations as the stone of marriage and commitment, diamonds have also represented faithfulness, purity and innocence. Diamond is the traditional birthstone for the month of April, and is heralded as the stone of purity and loyalty. It is thought to be the gemstone of the intellect, preventing misunderstandings.

There are a variety of colors of diamonds and they affect your energy differently:
Yellow diamond: Increase thoughtfulness and consideration of others
Blue diamond: Increase willpower and inspire greater care for personal health
Pink diamond: Increase creativity
Black diamond: Decrease self-delusion


The name emerald comes from the Sanskrit word “marakata,” which means spring green. Ancient Egyptians believed the green color of emerald represented fertility and rebirth. They would commonly carve emerald scarabs and place them at the heart of a mummy to make the deceased’s health flourish in the afterlife. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra was known for her fascination with emeralds.

Emerald is the traditional birthstone for May, and has been a symbol of romance, hope, fertility, rebirth. Emeralds have often been associated with various goddesses of love and beauty, such as Venus and were believed to protect lovers from unfaithfulness. If the heart remained loyal, the gem would glow a beautiful green color, but it was thought that if a lover’s heart went astray, the green color would lose its luster and rich color.

Emeralds are believed to be encouraging, calming and balancing. They promote creativity and restore hope, dreams, and positive vision. Emeralds are also thought to bring good fortune and can often be found cash boxes of merchants who hope to prosper in their business.


The garnet is a powerful energizing stone of protection. It inspires love and devotion by opening the heart and boosting self-confidence. The word Garnet comes from the Latin “granatum,” meaning pomegranate seed – which it resembles with its deep red color.

Garnets were used in burial jewelry and carved signet rings to proclaim royalty during the Bronze Age (300 BCE). Garnets were one of the most popular gemstones of the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, as revealed in the stunning jewelry and sword fittings in the Staffordshire Hoard, because they believed the blood-red stone improved their fighting prowess.

In the middle ages, garnet was commonly believed to guard against poison. Royals would often drop a garnet gemstone into a glass of wine to ensure they were not poisoned to death.

The Garnet symbolizes a quick return to a separated love, fertility and feminine life force. A garnet is often gifted to a loved one before they embark on travel. Garnets are commonly believed to aid in the healing of broken bonds of love. Garnets are also known to aid in the treatment of melancholy and depression by acting as a heart and blood stimulant.

Jade / Jadeite

has a long history of being known for bringing protection and good luck. It is said to harness a gentle energy that harmonizes negative thoughts and promotes positive feelings that attract authentic friendships.

Central American cultures would sometimes hold jadeite against their sides to help cure ailments, which is why the Spanish called jadeite “piedra de ijada,” meaning “stone for the pain in the side.” On the other side of the world, the Chinese called jade “yu,” meaning “heavenly” or “imperial” and has been found in the tombs of some Shang dynasty kings and other important figures.

The Chinese especially valued jadeite and have used the gemstone for its health-strengthening abilities and to improve longevity. According to ancient practice of feng shui, jadeite can influence health and prosperity. Today, jade is used to interpret dreams, access the spiritual planes, and encourage creativity.

Jade: Nephrite

Nephrite can be found in a translucent white to pale yellow color called “mutton fat” jade, which is considered the most precious and prized hue. Nephrite is derived from lapis nephriticus, a Latin word meaning “stone of the kidneys.” There was a traditional belief in its power to heal the kidneys and loins.


Jasper is the “Supreme Nurturer” stone, supporting you during times of stress and anxiety. It is said to provide protection by absorbing negative energies and balancing emotions.

The word “jasper” is from the Greek word “iaspi,” meaning “spotted stone.” Jaspers were worn by Egyptian priests in amulets, and the Minoans of Crete carved seals for the palace of Knossos of jasper. Some Native American tribes used jasper to dowse for water and to call rain.

Jasper was popular in the ancient world for its medicinal and spiritual values, and it was used to drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites. In the fourth century, jasper was called “the great rain bringer.” Medicinal values attributed to jasper include an ability to strengthen the stomach and provide cures to gynecological issues.

Different forms of Japser include: Brecciated, Dalmatian, Fancy, Flower, Leopardskin, Moukaite, Peridot, Picasso, Picture, Rainbow, Red Creek, Red, Silver Leaf, Tiger Skin, White, and Zebra.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli or just “Lapis” is a stone that possesses great serenity and protective energies. It harmonizes emotions and stimulates the creative part of your brain. More than 6,500 years old, this deep blue stone comes from the mountains of Afghanistan.

Lapis is a Latin word meaning “stone,” while lazuli comes from the Persian word “lazhuward,” meaning “blue.” It is not an element nor a mineral–it is a rock containing multiple minerals: lazurite, diopside, calcite, pyrite and more.

The Sumerians believed that the spirit of their gods lived within the Lapis Lazuli stone, while the ancient Egyptians believed used it as a symbol of the night sky. Lapis lazuli has been associated with strength and courage, royalty and wisdom, intellect and truth. Historically it was worn to ward off evil and it was powdered in ancient Egypt and painted around the eyes to improve eyesight. Nowadays Lapis Lazuli is also used to clear up skin conditions.


Lava is solidified volcanic material, but shouldn’t be discounted when collecting crystals and minerals for metaphysical use. Lava is believed to be very grounding and protective, giving the bearer a feeling of calm and stability. As the oldest stone in the world, lava has been used in jewelry by many cultures. The Victorian era saw an upsurge in lava jewelry production when cameos were at the height of popularity.

It is taboo to take lava, pumice, or shells from the islands of Hawaii as souvenirs. The belief is that Pele considers the volcanic rocks to be her children. and will curse violators with extreme misfortune until they return it. As a result of this belief many boxes of shells and lava rock are sent back to Hawaii every year.

Lava is known to help with anxiety, emotional tranquility, relaxation and a sense of calmness. It is said to be a “stress-absorber.” Its porous quality makes it popular to use as a diffuser in aromatherapy and with essential oils.


The beautifully milky moonstone enhances intuition and helps calm anxiety. This magical stone balances emotions to help with clear decision making. Named for its moon-like appearance, the ancient Greeks and Romans believed moonstone to be actual solidified moonlight.

Varieties include Multi-colored moonstone, Pink Flake, Rainbow, Silver, and White.


This transparent peachy stone was originally discovered in California and Madagascar during the 1900s. Morganite is often associated with innocence, sweetness, romance, and love. Morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. It’s believed to bring healing, compassion and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving ego.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings, and helps by releasing mental and emotional blockages. It works with your intuition and protects your vulnerabilities.

Moss agate is renowned for the greenish filaments that seem to resemble creeping moss. During the late 18th century, Brits thought of moss agate as a good luck stone. Because its patterns resemble plants and vegetation, moss agate was also considered a blessing in agriculture amongst gardeners and farmers. It’s said European farmers once used to hang moss agate from trees and around the horns of oxen when plowing to encourage successful harvests.

Moss agate is said to encourage tranquility and emotional balance. It’s also associated with budding friendships. It’s suggested to wear moss agate when meeting new people to draw them in and foster new relationships.


The black Obsidian has a strong protective energy and helps with grounding. It forms a protective shield around you if you have to be in a negative environment or around a negative person.

Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed in swiftly cooling lava which contains a high content of silica. It’s not considered a mineral as it doesn’t form crystals. The color of obsidian can vary, depending on what went into the lava at the time of solidifying.

Golden sheen obsidian is believed to be particularly suitable for balancing energy fields and releasing the ego. The reflective nature of obsidian makes it one of the first stones used in meditation, for internal growth and self-understanding. Obsidian doesn’t necessarily give off energy like mineral crystals, but it does help you discover where healing needs to happen.

There are three variations of obsidian: Golden Sheen, Mahogany, and Snowflake.


Onyx is known for its powerful protective energies. It helps banish bad habits, and is used to build confidence and strength. The name “onyx” comes from the Greek word for fingernail, referring to the translucence of the white-colored layer of the stone.

Black onyx has been associated with regeneration and new beginnings. It’s thought by some to have protective qualities, and often carried when taking journies. It is said to be useful in overcoming your basic fears and defending yourself against unfair criticism. It also helps you to move beyond bad relationships and heal old wounds. The Romans associated onyx with courage.


The name “opal” comes from the Sanskrit word “upala,” which means “precious stone.” The opal said to spark creativity, and that the “dance” of its fire can increase joy in your life. Opals have been associated with improving eyesight, and some believe that opal can help moderate and harmonize desires.


The shiny golden Pyrite is also known as “fool’s gold,” is an excellent energy shield, blocking out negativity. Many use it as a good luck charm, as it’s said to attract wealth and abundance.  Pyrite got its name from the Greek word “pyr,” which means “fire.” Pyrite be used to create sparks if it is struck against metal or another hard material. Pyrite is considered to be lucky, attracting abundance and wealth.


The ruby’s name comes from Latin word “ruber,” meaning red. Ruby is believed to promote loving, nurturing, health, knowledge and wealth. It has been associated with improved energy and concentration, loyalty, honor, creativity, and compassion. Ruby can be used to protect the family, home, and possessions and sometimes used to shield against negative psychic attacks!


The sapphire’s name comes from the Greek word for blue. These beautiful gemstones have long been thought to be a “wisdom stone,” helping with creativity, concentration, and boosting intelligence. It is used to focus and calm the mind, provide serenity, and remove unwanted thoughts or depression.


Sardonyx combines alternating layers of sard and onyx; hence its name. It can be traced back over 4,000 years Ancient Egypt. Sardonyx has straight and parallel banding, and like agate it can be dyed to enhance or change its colors.

Sardonyx is used for its qualities of strength and protection. It’s associated with courage, happiness and clear communication and can bring joy and stability to marriage and partnerships.

The sard in Sardonyx can appear in the spectrum from black to dark orange to red. The onyx element can appear in almost any color.


A variety of the gypsum mineral, Selenite is used for its cleansing and charging abilities. It’s often used as a crystal base to cleanse the energy of other stones while also charging them at the same time. Selenite is a stabilizer of emotions and induces clarity of thought.

Selenite is often attributed to purity and peace, and can be used when meditating or trying to achieve mental clarity. Selenite is considered a high-energy crystal that vibrates at a high frequency. It is commonly used as a way to cleanse the body, mind and spirit of negativity and self-limitation–as well as cleansing and clearing other crystals.


Septarian, aka “Dragon Stone,” is a composite stone comprised of Aragonite (brown), Calcite (yellow), and Limestone (gray). The name comes from the word “Septaria,” which refers to any stone with internal cavities or cracks. Septarian nodules have been carried to promote courage and grounding. It makes a great carry stone for public speakers to hold in hand while standing in front of a crowd.

It also promotes tolerance, emotional stability, a connection to earth energies, and helps with muscle pain and spasms. Septarian stone also absorbs outside energies to transform it into strength. It is connected to the Root Chakra.


Serpentine comes from the Latin “serpens” meaning serpent or snake, because of its scaley appearance. It’s believed to help establish control over your  life. Serpentine provides a clearing of thought, and can therefore be used in meditation practice. It’s also known to clear any blocked chakras and stimulate the crown chakra, promoting spiritual understanding and psychic abilities.


The name Topaz likely comes from an island in the Red Sea which the Greeks called “Topazos.” Topaz is considered a calm, empathic stone that soothes, heals, recharges and centers your emotions. It’s associated with compassion and communication, and is worn for “building bridges” between people.

Blue topaz, in particular, is believed to promote truth and forgiveness, relaxing the body and spirit. It can also be used in meditation to to attune to your  higher self.

Topaz of any color is often used to strengthen emotional support, stabilizing the emotions and enabling you to be open to love from every source. In emotional situations, it redirects your thinking from arrogance to calm so you can verbalize your position.


Tourmaline, in all its varieties, is a protective stone to purify and transform negative energy into a lighter vibration. It helps you with self-understanding and self-confidence, and helps to alleviate fear. Tourmaline is believed to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers from the Renaissance through the Victorian Ages.

Tourmaline is thought to be for people who bear a broken heart, as it encourages love, gently disperses emotional pain and dissolves disruptive feelings. It calms the negative emotions that upset relationships. It is also considered an aphrodisiac, helping people realize when it is safe to love and when it is time to overcome sorrow or traumatic memories. It introduces the presence of compassion and wisdom when dealing with others because it is thought to promote flexibility of thought and open-mindedness.

All colors of tourmaline are thought to be powerful, and yet each person seems to have a different reaction to tourmaline.

Pink tourmaline can help polarize people’s emotions and energy with a magnetic-electric charge that appears when the crystal is rubbed or heated.

Watermelon tourmaline (pink with a green outer edge) helps with reconciliation, fosters compassion and cool-headedness, attracts money, healing and friendship while grounding and reaffirming our roots to the Earth.

Blue tourmaline helps the completion of your goals and is said to protect against danger.

Black tourmaline repels negative energy. You should carry black tourmaline when you feel surrounded by negativity. It also helps calm in times of crisis or extreme stress. Black tourmaline will protect you until you’re strong enough to break through your old patterns and fears. It will cultivate inner wisdom, courage, patience, and stability.

Red tourmaline builds inner strength and wisdom because it unites the heart and body in love and passion. It also brings joy, openness, emotional stability, compassion and devotion.


Turquoise is a dense stone ranging in color from blue to green to yellow, and can have intricate patterns of brown and black matrix that are composed mainly of copper deposits. Turquoise has been used in religion, art, trade, treaty negotiations and of course as treasured jewelry to many kingdoms and cultures.

Turquoise encourages enthusiasm and can inspire new projects and bring light to undiscovered artistic abilities. It also provides understanding and encourages attention to detail while attracting prosperity and success.

The sprawling lines of coppery matrix can provide added energy. This may be one reason why the stone has long been prized as a powerful talisman with healing properties. It is believed that turquoise can help balance the blue throat chakra, enhancing the ability to communicate while increasing resistance to viruses, helping to relieve sore throats and allergies.


Zoisite is usually recognizable by its green/purple combo of colors although it can also have grey, pink, and brownish variations. It is named after Sigmund Zois Freiherr von Edelstein a.k.a. Sigmund Zois, an Austrian scientist and geologist (1747-1819).

Zoisite is known as a stone that aids you taking assessment of one’s self. A return to your joy, happiness, and the simple life. It almost serves as a sort of “reset button” to returning to zero, clearing your mind and emotions.


Zircon is one of the oldest minerals on Earth. The name zircon most likely derives from the Persian word, “zargun” meaning “gold-colored.” It is associated with all the chakras, and often used by crystal healers to alleviate physical and mental ailments. It has been known to reduce fever, soothe pain, relieve stomach cramps, help with asthma, lung problems, and menstrual cramps.

Zircon is also believed to stimulate the liver, and is helpful for people detoxing from nicotine, alcohol and other substances. It is valued as a cure for both nightmares and insomnia as it promotes restful sleep.

Mentally, zircon can help a person process loss and grief, as well as boost passion for life and work. Zircon is used to aid in meditation and developing psychic intuition. It is said to clear negative energy and has a protective aura. This magic stone is also used to attract wisdom, success, admiration, and wealth.

Colorless Zircon is good for mental purification and meditation, blue zircon is said to help build relationships and self-confidence, and pink zircon attracts romance, new love and harmony.

Headshot of Jennifer Moss

Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.

Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.