What do my surnames mean?
I have been trying to find out the meanings of both my maiden name and my married name. Neither one is common, and the only people I have met with either surname is a relative! → full article
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
I have been trying to find out the meanings of both my maiden name and my married name. Neither one is common, and the only people I have met with either surname is a relative! → full article
Dear Jennifer,
My husband and I are considering the name Gage for our son. I like that it is unique but not weird. I also like that it’s short (we have a long last name), easy to spell and pronounce. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I recently heard a name I absolutely LOVE and cannot stop thinking about – Elyes. It is the name of the actor who plays the main character on the new CBS show, Scorpion. → full article
Hi, there –
Big fan of the site! I’m wondering if you have any information on the name “Moonyeen?” It was my grandmother’s middle name but I have no idea where it comes from or what it means. → full article
Hi Jennifer
I’m a horse rider, and at a stable yard where I work, I met a stallion by the name of Joepie. I’ve been trying to find the meaning of his name ever since. → full article
Jennifer, I absolutely love your website! I was watching Dr. Who the other day and one of the characters names was Cathica. I can’t find any information on the name – if it is even a name used before or if it was made up for Dr Who. → full article
Hi Jennifer! I am a frequent visitor of your site, as I love looking up different names and getting story inspiration. I am currently reading a book with main character, Eureka, which I think is a beautiful and unique name. → full article
Hi Jennifer, Your website is wonderful, and I’m in awe of the amazing work that you do. As an aspiring author, I am constantly scouring your website to find names for my characters. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
I absolutely love your site and come here with all my baby name questions!
Me and my husband already have a son, Leo, and are expecting a girl next year. We have narrowed our choices down to Regan Mckenley or Chloe Makensie. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
We have begun our search for baby names and considering the name Wickham/Wick. I’ve come to your site (as I do very often) and notice it’s not on it. Would you mind letting me know what it means? → full article
To Whom it May Concern:
While browsing your website I was shocked to discover that you’ve included “Pet Names” on your BabyNames website. Perhaps a staff or editing member of your site is confused…animals are not humans. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Ever since I first saw Hayao Miyazaki’s movie ‘Nausicaå of the Valley of the Wind’, I’ve loved the name of the titular character. Since your website doesn’t have it, I did a brief google search and found that it means ‘burner of ships’, but there wasn’t any citation to a reputable source, so I’m little doubtful on how accurate this. → full article
Hi Jennifer!!
I have a spelling question for you! My husband and I are planning another child in the near future and would like to honor my stepfather who’s last name is Gibbs. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
First off, let me just say I love looking at your website. I’ve been coming to your website since I was young just to look at names for fun and I love all the advice you give! → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My huband loves going to Vermont, and his parents own a house in Stowe, Vermont. I was looking up names that we could use as a middle name when we have children that had something to do with Vermont, and I found a name that isn’t in your database. → full article