Sibling names too similar?
Hi Jennifer,
We have a son Brandon. Is Brenna too similar for a little sister name? Looking for an honest opinion.
Mary Donaghey
Dear Mary,
I do think those are very similar names. → full article
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Hi Jennifer,
We have a son Brandon. Is Brenna too similar for a little sister name? Looking for an honest opinion.
Mary Donaghey
Dear Mary,
I do think those are very similar names. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Dear Jennifer,
My husband and I know were expecting a girl. We wanted something different, so we came up with Evanlea. We combined her both of her godparents name together.
Is Evanlea to different or unique of a name? → full article
Hi Jennifer, says the name Darrell is from Airelle, but Airelle isn’t a name. This is confusing to me. Is “from Airelle” the meaning, or is the one name “from” the other like Laura/Laurel. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Thanks so much for I love to daydream about names, and your site is a treasure trove.
I’m also an avid reader, and I have been re-reading some of my childhood favorites, including the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. → full article
Hi! I know a girl with the name Minette, but couldn’t find it on your site and thought it was really pretty. Could it be added? I know it is of French origin, but don’t know much beyond that. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My wife and I reached an impasse on the middle name for our boy. We like Micah for a first name, and my last name sounds like Micelli.
Dear Ms. Moss:
I am trying to break into becoming a new writer. My editor has asked me to start thinking of a pen name for myself. I told her that I wanted my name to be Tim Brian (which is part of my name, first and middle) she doesn’t think that would fly too well in the book industry.
→ full articleHi Jennifer!
My husband wants to honor his father (Edward) and uncle (Glen) by naming our first boy Edward Glen. I have suggested using each as a middle name as my uncle and cousin are both named Edward.
→ full articleDear Jennifer,
It’s difficult to form an opinion if I don’t know the name as I go through a list of tests when making recommendations.
Hi Jennifer,
I tried looking up info on my son’s name, Siler Everette, but only found Syler (assuming that is the same name kust a different spelling? ??) What are the origins & meanings of his name?
→ full articleHi Jennifer,
I’m carrying boy/girl twins. I really like the names Kepler and Ada. Folks seem to hate Kepler, though, as it’s unusual. Is it really that unusual? I don’t want a name that is too trendy, but I also don’t want to saddle my kid with a name that is more bizarre than I’m giving it credit for.
→ full articleHi Jennifer,
One of my all time favorite books has a character by the name of Dymory. I had never heard that name before and I am curious as to it’s origin. The book is Enemy Brothers by author Constance Savery and is set in 1940s England, which was also the era and place in which it was written.
→ full articleHi Jennifer,
I recently watched the new Disney movie Brave and I love the name of the independent princess Merida. I looked up the meaning of her name, but couldn’t find anything. Could you tell me what it means.
→ full articleHi Jennifer!
Thank you for taking my question. I would like to get your opinion on the name “Atalie” for a girl?
Thanks, Lewis H.
Hi Lewis,
I think Atalie (Natalie with no N) is actually a beautiful name.