As an Exclusively Pumping Mama (I pump six times a day for 20 – 30 minutes), I am well acquainted with the daily use of pumping equipment and its necessity to work effectively. Through this experience, I have learned that the flanges must fit correctly to ensure a painless pump and preserve a substantial supply.

I’ve been testing out the Pumpin’ Pal flanges—they have angled flanges designed to fit the most popular breast pump models on the market and allow the user to sit back in a more natural position while pumping. The Pumpin’ Pal shields are supposed to eliminate milk duct constriction for better flow.

How do you make breast pumping more comfortable? Try out the Pumpin' Pals flanges! Check out this review from an exclusively pumping mom. | BabyNames Baby Blog

The set includes 3 flanges, ranging in three sizes, which include a medium, large, and X-large, along with a mesh bag to air-dry. The instructions advise to start with the smallest flange first and move up the series if necessary. I have been using the medium and larges consistently. When I began my Exclusively Pumping journey, I could’ve used this the X-large size, but now my supply has lessened, thus I am only using two of the three flanges.

How do you make breast pumping more comfortable? Try out the Pumpin' Pals flanges! Check out this review from an exclusively pumping mom. | BabyNames Baby Blog

The design is very comfortable and pretty innovative as you do not have to lean forward. My supply has increased after using these babies to 3 ounces a day. After several weeks of use on my Medela Pump in Style machine and hands-free pump bra, I found the design to be way more comfortable than the traditional flanges. Pumpin’ Pals’ flanges would have been a great use to me in the beginning of exclusively pumping, but regardless– I now use them daily. My only con is that I to purchase an adapter as they did not fit the Medela’s one-piece shield.

How do you make breast pumping more comfortable? Try out the Pumpin' Pals flanges! Check out this review from an exclusively pumping mom. | BabyNames Baby Blog

The Pumpin’ Pals retail price is $30+ for the but for the price you do receive three different size flanges which will enables your pumping journey to its fullest potential. This company has Nordstrom quality customer service and they are very knowledgeable, with not only breast pumping but also to the exclusively pumping mamas.

How do you make breast pumping more comfortable? Try out the Pumpin' Pals flanges! Check out this review from an exclusively pumping mom. | BabyNames Baby Blog

You can find the Pumpin’ Pals flanges set on Amazon for $39.95.

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Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.

Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.