60 Names from Musicals
If you’re a fan of musicals, here’s the name list for you! From classics such as Singin’ in the Rain to modern hits like Hamilton, there are so many character names to be inspired by. → full article
If you’re a fan of musicals, here’s the name list for you! From classics such as Singin’ in the Rain to modern hits like Hamilton, there are so many character names to be inspired by. → full article
Episode #21 – Jennifer and Mallory discuss name rhythm and baby names derived from musical notation, musical instruments, and musicians! Also: recent celebrity baby news and baby names Q&A from our listeners!
Names mentioned in this episode:
Kinga, Jacek, Piast, Henio, Bartosz, Ola, Cadence, Aria/Arya, Melody, Harmony, Clef, Coda, Reed, Belle, Viola…and more! → full article
Dear Jennifer,
Like many others, I’ve had baby names picked out since I was a kid–well, one, actually: the name Cadence for a girl. I love it! And it wasn’t very popular when I decided it was my favorite. → full article