
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Short Form Of Kimberly Or Kimball

What is the meaning of the name Kim?

The name Kim is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Short Form Of Kimberly Or Kimball.

Also a Korean surname meaning "gold."

Kim Delaney, actress. Kim Novak, actress. Kim Catrall, actress.

Different Spellings of the name Kim:


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Names like Kim:

Kamea, Kanuha, Kumani, Kegan, Kenya, Ken, Kimn, Kanha, Kazuno, Kijana, Kanoni, Kaegan, Ksenia, Kimani, Kimi, Kijani, Kiyomi, Keyson, Kasen, Kazuma, Keyanna, Kyson, Keene, Kenny, Keegan, Kianna, Kawena, Kaimana, Kasani, Koma

Stats for the Name Kim

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Songs about Kim

Kim - Eminem
Kim Cattrall - Crow T. Robot from Mystery Science Theater 3000
Kim Gordon's Panties - Rapeman
Kim's Watermelon Gun - The Flaming Lips
Song for Kim (She Said) - Concrete Blonde
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