
What is the meaning of the name Luis?

The name Luis is primarily a male name of Spanish origin that means Famous Warrior.

form of Louis

People who like the name Luis also like:

Miguel, Andres, Liam, Alexander, Gabriel, Lucas, Carlos, Olivia, Isabel, Ana, Selena, Sophia, Catalina, Aurora

Names like Luis:

Lissa, Leigh, Luca, Lucio, Lilika, Louise, Lois, Luigi, Ligeia, Luuk, Leiko, Lilias, Lesia, Lace, Lalage, Lucus, Lilike, Lixue, Lash, Lis, Lux, Lucie, Lycus, Lugus, Liko, Lilka, Lalasa, Lokesh, Lycia, Lilach

Stats for the Name Luis

checkmark Luis is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Luis is currently #134 in U.S. births
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