
What is the meaning of the name Roy?

The name Roy is primarily a male name of Scottish origin that means Red.

Also a French surname meaning "King." Roy Orbison, singer. Roy Campanella, baseball player.

People who like the name Roy also like:

Aaron, Liam, Finn, Owen, Theodore, David, Henry, Evelyn, Iris, Violet, Penelope, Audrey, Charlotte, Elizabeth

Names like Roy:

Ruya, Rory, Rawya, Ryu, Ruairi, Rae, Rio, Roo, Ray, Rui, Rue, Reya, Roe, Roro, Rhea, Ruri, Ria, Rowa, Ryo, Raya, Ryuhei, Riya, Ryuu, Ree, Ruh, Rhory, Rowe, Ruwa, Roho, Rey

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Winston Roy Followill - daughter of Lily Aldridge and Caleb Followill , born 2019
Atlas Roy Hubbard - son of Tyler Hubbard and Hayley Stommel , born 2020

Stats for the Name Roy

checkmark Roy is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Roy is currently #553 in U.S. births

Songs about Roy

Hats Off to (Roy) Harper - Led Zeppelin
Roy Walker - Belle & Sebastian
Roy's Keen - Morrissey
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