
What is the meaning of the name Julie?

The name Julie is primarily a female name of French origin that means Youthful, Downy.

Diminutive form of Julia

People who like the name Julie also like:

Emma, Natalie, Emily, Hannah, Ava, Olivia, Julia, Liam, Benjamin, William, Nathan, Henry, Daniel, Andrew

Names like Julie:

Jalaal, Jazelle, Jalal, Jakayla, Jaliyah, Jezziel, Jewel, Jaelle , Jill, Jaela, Jael, Julio, Julia, Jazziell, Jehiel, Joelle, Jia Li, Jayla, Jazzelle, Jayliah, Jolie, Jaylee, Jalie, Jaala, Jacquelle, Jela, Jaziel, Joely, Jalila, Jalil

Stats for the Name Julie

checkmark Julie is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Julie is currently #707 in U.S. births

Songs about Julie

Big Julie - Jarvis Cocker
Hey, Julie - Fountains of Wayne
Julie - Jens Lekman
Julie - Prism
Julie - Shaggy featuring Ali G
Julie - The Levellers
Julie Christie - Lorraine Bowen
Julie Christie - Stephen Duffy
Julie Don't Live Here - Electric Light Orchestra
Julie With... - Brian Eno
Julie Written On The Fence - The Lilac Time
Julie's in the Drug Squad - The Clash
Julie, Do Ya Love Me - Bobby Sherman
Oh, Julie - The Crescendos
When Julie Comes Around - The Cuff Links
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