
What is the meaning of the name Lana?

The name Lana is primarily a female name of Slavic origin that means Light.

Short form of Svetlana. Lana Turner, actress.

People who like the name Lana also like:

Ava, Eva, Scarlett, Lena, Ella, Amelia, Charlotte, Gabriel, Gavin, Landon, Lucas, Oliver, Liam, Ethan

Names like Lana:

Leane, Lanai, Liana, Lamya, Leanna, Lulani, Leolani, Leyna, Leone, Lilliana, Liam, Lyn, Leimomi, Louanna, Lynne, Leona, Lan, Lahoma, Laina, Leena, Laney, Lonan, Lolonyo, Lalana, Linnea, Leilani, Liona, Lahahana, Lumi, Li Mei

Stats for the Name Lana

checkmark Lana is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Lana is currently #416 in U.S. births

Songs about Lana

Lana - The Beach Boys
Lana and Stevie - The Donnas
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