
What is the meaning of the name Lane?

The name Lane is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means From The Lane.

Originally an English/Irish Surname. In Ireland, it's derived from "O’Laighin" meaning the descendant of Laighean.

People who like the name Lane also like:

Mason, Landon, Liam, Grayson, Owen, Cole, Nolan, Ava, Amelia, Scarlett, Violet, Charlotte, Lucy, Olivia

Names like Lane:

Lynn, Lonnie, Lyam, Laina, Loma, Lahoma, Lolonyo, Leilani, Lon, Lanh, Lam, Lenah, Lennon, Lian, Liana, Lana, Launa, Li Mei, Lamia, Lynne, Lynna, Leon, Lillian, Lahahana, Lanie, Loan, Lyanna, Liwanu, Layan, Lonny

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Margot Lane Welker Hughes - daughter of Kristen Welker and John Hughes , born 2021
Kasen Lane Lutz - son of Kellan Lutz and Brittany Lutz , born 2022

Stats for the Name Lane

checkmark Lane is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Lane is currently #254 in U.S. births

Songs about Lane

Lois Lane - Uncle Bonsai
Penny Lane - The Beatles
Poor Mary Lane - Moxy Früvous
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