
What is the meaning of the name Muhammad?

The name Muhammad is primarily a male name of Arabic origin that means Praised.

Different Spellings of the name Muhammad:


People who like the name Muhammad also like:

Nicholas, David, Adam, Barack, Malik, Mohammed, Ahmed, Anisa, Faith, Sarah, Davina, Charlotte, Samantha, Fatima

Names like Muhammad:

Metta, Muhammed, Mehmud, Madadh, Matty, Meda, Mahomet, Meta, Monte, Mahmud, Minette, Mindy, Mandawuy, Matthew, Mato, Media, Mahmoud, Midhat, Mahmood, Maud, Minda, Mayda, Mathieu, Mehta, Mohamed, Maida, Minato, Manda, Mattie, Mattia

Stats for the Name Muhammad

checkmark Muhammad is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Muhammad is currently #272 in U.S. births

Songs about Muhammad

Muhammad My Friend - Tori Amos
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