
What is the meaning of the name Tallulah?

The name Tallulah is primarily a female name of Native American origin that means Leaping Water.

Tallulah Bankhead, actress.

People who like the name Tallulah also like:

Violet, Amelia, Scarlett, Stella, Penelope, Charlotte, Delilah, Henry, Liam, Jasper, Oliver, Atticus, Owen, Sebastian

Names like Tallulah:

Thule, Thalia, Thallo, Tahlia, Telly, Tully, Tulay, Tullio, Tell, Teal, Tolla, Twyla, Tehila, Talia, Thulile, Toille, Talulah, Teela, Tola, Thélio, Toli, Totole, Tayla, Talli, Tilly, Tal, Tilla, Talal, Tlalli, Taylee

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Tallulah Pine LeBon - daughter of Simon LeBon and Yasmine , born 1994
Tallulah Belle Willis - daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore , born 1994

Stats for the Name Tallulah

checkmark Tallulah is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Tallulah is currently #817 in U.S. births
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