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nico tortorella bethany c meyers

Actor Nico Tortorella Opens Up About Their Fertility Journey

Actor Nico Tortorella, notably known for their role as Josh on the television series Younger, has opened up about their struggles to grow their family. The actor joined their partner for an Instagram video where the couple sang a song they wrote called “Baby Making Song.” The quippy song made light of their very real struggles to conceive a child.

The background is a tree without leaves at night with a large moon and bats flying. The title says Spooky Names.

Spooky Names

Names guaranteed to scare the pants off of you! Spooky names for Halloween and other creepy, crawly times of the year. Although you might not want to choose a spooky name when considering names for your baby, you might want to use these names for gaming, roleplaying, or even a new pet! Which spooky names are your favorite?

Name Bites

Name Bites: Sian and Mamoru

In our between-the-episodes Name Bites, Jennifer and Mallory each deep dive into one name and review its meaning, origin, namesakes, and popularity.

The theme for this episode is ASTRONAUTS! In this episode, we cover the female Welsh name Sian in honor of Sian Proctor, and the Japanese name Mamoru in honor of Mamoru “Mark” Mohri. → full article

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