Feliz Navi – What does Navi mean?
Dear Jennifer,
Navi (NAH-vee) is a name I wanted to add to my list but you do not have it in your database. Looking up → full article
Dear Jennifer,
Navi (NAH-vee) is a name I wanted to add to my list but you do not have it in your database. Looking up → full article
Dear Jennifer,
My husband and I adopted a Maine Coon kitten last night…and of course went through the sweet agony of finding a name for → full article
Hello Babynames!
My name is Olivia Marie and I love your website. I do not have children but I have a very lengthy baby name → full article
Me and my husband are expecting our third baby and are having trouble agreeing on a name. We already have two girls Lydia Rose → full article
Just wondering if you would know where the name Nene comes from. Pronounced like “knee knee.”
Jess N.
Hi Jess,
The name Nene can → full article
Hi Jennifer!
First off, let me just say I love looking at your website. I’ve been coming to your website since I was young just → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My husband gets final say on this baby girl due in June as I named our two year old. The two-year-old is named → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I love your site & have been searching for the meaning of 2 names I am interested in. The first one is Liviana → full article
Hello Jennifer,
I adore your site and have been using it to add and or change up my “future” baby name list since I was → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I have always wondered what the appropriate pronunciation of the name Madeline. I have heard it pronounced Made-line and Made-lynn. Me and my → full article
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I saw that the name Anthony, as I tried looking up its meaning on babynames.com, reads → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I was wondering your opinion on using names with non-traditional spellings. My name is spelt in a non-traditional way: Karlee instead of Carly. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
I have always been a fan of the name Summer and recently I have came across the name Somerlyn. I was wondering if → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I’m a big fan of Dancing With The Stars, and I’ve noticed that some of the pro’s names aren’t on the site, and → full article
I have been trying to find out the meanings of both my maiden name and my married name. Neither one is common, and the → full article