Actress Jackie Cruz, famously known for portraying the role of Marisol ‘Flaca’ Gonzales on the Netflix series Orange Is The New Black, is going to join motherhood! The actress and her husband, designer Fernando Garcia, are set to become parents in early 2022. But they had more than just a pregnancy to share!

The couple is expecting twins! They’ve also shared the gender of their children: one boy and one girl. Jackie shared with People that she intends to deliver her twins naturally. She’s also already thinking about expanding her family! She revealed that she wants four kids in total. “That has always been my dream, to just have a big family. My husband feels the same.”

The I Love Us star, who shared that her pregnancy has been “wonderful” thus far, opened up about her fertility issues in trying to conceive. “I’ve been working on it for a few years.” The couple, who tied the knot in August 2020, tried to conceive naturally at first, but Jackie wanted to take action. “Going to doctors, they want you to take all this medicine. My husband, he’s really into just being natural and believing that you can do it,” she shared exclusively with People. “I was against it. I was like, ‘No, I want this now.’ But he was like, ‘No, come on. Give your body a chance. This is what the woman is made for.’ But some people are different. Some people have to take fertility [medication], but we wanted to try natural first. And of course, if that didn’t work, there were other avenues.”

Jackie has been eager to lean on her community for guidance as she enters this new journey. She’s reached out to her friend and fellow pregnant twin mom Ashley Graham for advice. “I wanted to know like, ‘Hey, what are you getting? Like, what is your stroller vibe? What’s your plan for then?'” She’s also reached out to her fellow OITNB co-stars Danielle Brooks and Laura Prepon for any tips they can share.

Congratulations to Jackie and Fernando on the news of their twins! We wish them all the best as they prepare for parenthood.

Headshot of Kate Fann smiling

Kate Fann (she/her) is the celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.