Jack Huston and Shannan Click. Source: @leiclick on Instagram

The empire has gained a new member!  British actor Jack Huston and his longtime girlfriend, Shannan Click, welcomed their second child together, a boy named Cypress Night Huston.

Click made the announcement via Instagram with a sweet photo of the parents gazing at their new baby, writing: “Our newest addition…My perfect boy, Cypress Night Huston.”  Huston and Click are already parents to a daughter, Sage Lavinia Huston, 2 1/2 years old.

Acting definitely runs in Huston’s family; his aunt is the famed Angelica Huston.  The young thespian will appear in two major films this year: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and as the title character in Ben-Hur.

Jennifer Stemwedel with husband and two children

Jennifer S. (she/her) is a graduate of Fresno State University. She spent a number of years working for non-profits before becoming a full-time stay-at-home mother. She currently lives in Central California with her husband, two children, and two codependent cats.