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White mother with baby named "Cherokee" - What is Name Appropriation?

What is Name Appropriation?

Name appropriation is a subset of cultural appropriation. Cultural Appropriation is defined as when a member of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group...
Zen, Sage, and Names of New Age

The Baby Names Podcast #75: Zen, Sage, and Names from New Age

Episode 75 – Jennifer and Mallory suggest names associated with and reminiscent of New Age spirituality. We also report on the current Celebrity Baby News and take name questions from our listeners.

Names mentioned in this episode: Idris, Malcolm, Avice, Isabeau, Rayssa, Momiji, Zen, Sage, Asta, Bodhi, Celeste, Déja, Ethereal, Kismet, Muse, Nyx, Seance, Solstice, Spirit, Vortex… and many, many more! → full article

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