Episode 87 – Jennifer and Mallory review animal names that have jumped onto the baby name lists, names you can use that have animals in → full article
Episode #79 – Top Names of 2021 Speakers: Jennifer Moss, Mallory Moss
J: I’m Jennifer Moss.
M: And I’m Mallory Moss
J: And we’re the → full article
Episode 82 – Jennifer and Mallory take turns discussing 2022 baby name trends that they absolutely do not like. We also report on the latest → full article
In a new addition to our podcast, we present our third installment of Name Bites! Jennifer and Mallory each pick a name to present and → full article
Gender neutral names are more popular than ever and are continuing to trend! Using the Social Security Administration’s Top 1000 and trending names from our → full article
We constantly tabulate the top names, according to our millions of users. Here is a list of the top most popular boy names of to → full article
Episode 75 – Jennifer and Mallory suggest names associated with and reminiscent of New Age spirituality. We also report on the current Celebrity Baby News → full article
After working with expecting and new parents for over 25 years, I’ve learned quite a lot about the baby naming process. We’ve gone through the → full article
Are you a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? There are many amazing names of heroes and their allies from the Marvel Universe that → full article
Baby names that mean “Beautiful” are as diverse as the world itself, and represent a variety of cultures. Beautiful baby names are applicable for any gender, and some are even gender-neutral.
Episode 68 – Chicago natives Jennifer Moss and Mallory Moss discuss a vast list of Chicago-inspired baby names for parents who want to honor the → full article
Chicago: the windy city, my kind of town, that toddlin’ town. This major metropolitan city in the heart of the U.S. has a rich history → full article
J.R.R. Tolkien had a fascination with language and etymology. Not only did he create most of these names specifically for the land of Middle-Earth, Professor → full article