1,000 Most Popular Last Names in the U.S.
Each decade, the U.S. census bureau compiles the top last names in the United States. We have added origins and meanings to this list to give you a comprehensive collection of the top U.S. → full article
Each decade, the U.S. census bureau compiles the top last names in the United States. We have added origins and meanings to this list to give you a comprehensive collection of the top U.S. → full article
#83 Names and Women’s Rights
J: I’m Jennifer Moss.
M: And I’m Mallory Moss.
J: And we’re the founders of BabyNames.com.
M: And we’re sisters, too (singing)
J: Yes, we are! → full article
Everyone is familiar with occupational names, whether you realize it or not! Most are commonly known as surnames, but some have become popular as personal names as well. They are names that originated from a person’s occupation. → full article
In our between-the-episodes Name Bites, Jennifer and Mallory each deep dive into one name and review its meaning, origin, namesakes, and popularity.
This Name Bite’s theme is SURNAMES! In this episode, we cover the names Madison and Kirk. → full article
In honor of President’s Day, here are some United States presidential names and their meanings. The most common name among presidents so far is James, followed by John, William, and George. If you want your baby to make it big in politics, you might want to consider some of these when choosing names for your baby!
Episode #39 – In honor of Hispanic History Month, Jennifer and Mallory discuss Spanish names, the history of Spanish naming and name construction, Spanish surnames, the top names in Spain, popular Latin names in the United States and Latinx celebrity names. → full article
Episode #16 – Jennifer and Mallory discuss the popular new trend of occupational (sur)names becoming first names, like Mason, Sawyer, and Harper. Also Emmy Award nominees, celebrity baby news, and your questions on names and naming. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
There’s a name that I read in a book that I like: Donnigan. It sounds Irish, but I wasn’t sure, and I was also hoping you might be able to help find the meaning as well.
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve read your Q&A for years even though this is my first time expecting.
We won’t find out what we’re having before the birth so we’ll have to come up with options for each sex and decide on the day! → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I love Baker as a surname, and it’s also listed on your website as a first name. Is Baker an accepted first name for a boy?
Sincerely, Sasha R.
Hi Sasha, Absolutely Baker can be a first name! → full article
Hi Jennifer!
We have begun our search for baby names and considering the name Wickham/Wick. I’ve come to your site (as I do very often) and notice it’s not on it. Would you mind letting me know what it means? → full article
My son’s name is Patton. My husband likes WW2 history and got the name idea from General George S. Patton. Do you know the meaning?
Hi Jennifer!
Hi Jennifer-
We’re expecting our third child this fall. We already have 2 girls and this will be our first boy. And “boy” are we having a hard time….see what I did there? → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I recently watched a movie called “Triple Dog” and the main character was a girl named Chapin.
I noticed you didn’t have it on the website and I would really like to know what it means. → full article