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My Best Friend’s Baby


My best friend is due with her first baby, a boy, in May. She has chosen the name Alyksandr because her husband insists that has to be the name. If that wasn’t the only problem, his middle name was going to be Matthew until her dad passed away in December from cancer. → full article

A “cell phone” for baby

Tired of baby-drool on your personal cellphone? Maybe it’s time to give baby her own. LeapFrog’s Chat and Count Cell Phone, currently available at Amazon for under $14 with free shipping for Amazon Prime members, will keep baby busy with its 15 phone activities. → full article

Baby will laugh & learn with this play puppy


Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn Play Puppy with bonus CD will provide your little one with hours of creative learning play.

Geared toward ages 6 months through 3 years, the play puppy comes with two interactive modes that introduce baby to numbers, alphabet and parts of the body as well as singing songs like Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, This Little Puppy (This Little Piggy), Patty Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider. → full article

Travel toys for tots: Crayola’s Mess-Free Coloring Desk

This week’s featured travel toy is Crayola’s Mess-Free Coloring Desk, which will provide your little ones with hours of travel-friendly and mess-free art projects.

The desk, currently $15 at Amazon, is a lightweight 2.3 lbs, and comes equipped with a set of mess-free Color Wonder Markers, Paints, and a paintbrush made especially for the included 20-page Color Wonder Drawing Pad. → full article

All aboard the Magic Learning Bus

LeapFrog’s Touch Magic Learning Bus (currently available on Amazon.com for under $20, with free shipping for Prime members) is a musical learning toy for children ages 2 and older.

Making movements or touching the sensor will activate the bus, which runs on three AAA batteries (included). → full article

A digital baby book you can send to print

Kidmondo is an online baby book that lets parents and caretakers track and share baby’s milestones and special moments. The feature-rich site includes pages for journaling, recording physical and medical data, tracking growth, posting pictures, and a food journal to record reactions to first bites. → full article

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