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Soothing Slumbers Bear makes bedtime a breeze

Is your little one fussy at bedtime? VTech Baby’s Soothing Slumbers Bedtime Bear will help lull her to sleep with its soft, plushy fabric and an array of calming and tranquilizing tunes.

The Bedtime Bear, geared to ages newborn to 2 years, plays lullabies when the button on her tummy is pressed and stops automatically after 10 or so minutes (or before then if the button is pressed twice).  → full article

Make learning fun: Part 2

This is the second in our series on learning websites for children. Read Part 1 here.

A few more websites to acclimate the kids to the Season of School:

PBSkids.org is a favorite learning site among teachers and parents, but I found the navigation and sign-up process clunky (password authentication is a series of pictures, e.g.). → full article

Salaine from Iceland

Hi Jennifer,

I wanted to let you know what a bog fan of your site I am! I absolutely love looking up the meanings of different names and reading through the Ask BabyNames blog (even though I’m nowhere close to being a parent), and it has proved incredibly helpful for my writing. → full article

Make learning fun: Part 1

Now’s the time of year when the kidlets are either back to school or getting ready to go back to school. If their brains have turned to mush over the long, hot summer, here are some websites to pique kids’ interests and teach them at the same time:

ABCya.com was developed by a grade-school teacher and features hundreds of games and apps for children from pre-K to 5th grade. → full article

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