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Parenting Advice

Parenting advice by Peggy “Grandma Maggie” Moss

How do I tell my family when I’m pregnant?

Dear Grandma Maggie,

My husband and I have been together for six years (married for three). I am only 25 years old, but we both want to be young parents. We have been talking about starting a family for a while, but the response from family and friends has been very negative: “You have plenty of time for kids,” “You’re too young to have children now,” “just enjoy each other while you can,” etc. → full article

Who should babysit my baby?

Dear Grandma Maggie,

My husband and I are expecting our first baby and moved 30 minutes away from our hometown to be closer to work. We figured this would give us extra time in the morning and after work to have at home with the baby, in hopes of getting a nice routine worked out. → full article

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