Property Brothers co-host Drew Scott has entered fatherhood. The HGTV host has welcomed his first child with his wife Linda Phan! The couple struggled for two years to conceive and announced in December of last year that they were expecting.

It’s a boy! The couple welcomed their son on May 4th, as shared on their latest At Home podcast episode. Their son actually made his arrival on the couple’s fourth wedding anniversary. “Parker decided to come very efficiently on our anniversary. He’s stealing the show. It’s no longer about you and me on our anniversary,” Drew joked on the podcast. They chose to name their son Parker James. “Our lives are forever changed,” the couple wrote in their announcement post on Instagram.

“Our new baby boy, he’s a healthy baby, he’s adorable,” Drew shared on the podcast before his partner of 12 years shared what it’s been like being a new mom. “Other than pooped, I feel great. Very happy that he’s finally here. I’m still in awe and in disbelief. I feel like every step of this pregnancy has taken me time to adjust. And then as soon as I almost adjust, it’s on to the next milestone or the next thing. I feel like I’m always playing catchup with my feelings.” On what it’s like to become a father, Drew shared, “It’s this immediate love and this feeling you need to do everything you can to make them feel safe and make them feel loved.”

Linda also opened up about her experience bringing Parker into the world. The podcast producer was in labor for 44 hours. “It was getting dangerously long,” Linda shared. She had initially been against getting an epidural due to a fear of needles but after the long labor, she finally agreed to an epidural and a cesarean section. “It seems like such a blur now,” she reflected. “Just being in the moment, I think that’s all you can do. I felt oddly calm for the most part. Like I was just flowing through it.”

Congratulations to Drew and Linda on the arrival of baby Parker! We wish them lots of love as they embrace their new role as parents.

Headshot of Kate Fann smiling

Kate Fann (she/her) is the celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.