Hurricane Names (why they’re given people names)
Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, Harvey – why are storms given human names? As a personal name enthusiast I’ve always wondered this myself, so I did a → full article
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, Harvey – why are storms given human names? As a personal name enthusiast I’ve always wondered this myself, so I did a → full article
Want to know what baby names are trending this year? Here are what our users are searching for and adding to their name lists since → full article
Dear Jennifer,
What is your opinion on legally changing your name simply because you don’t like it? I’m 30, and I’ve never liked my name. → full article
Dear Jennifer. 🙂
My question isn’t exactly about baby names, but more about baby naming. My name is Emilia, I am from Poland and am → full article
Hi there,
I know this may sound a bit far-fetched but it is only my opinion that Donald Trump should be removed from the notes → full article
Hi Jennifer!
I discovered your site back when I was pregnant with my oldest (he’s almost 6) and have been using and recommending it ever → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I hate to say it, but your so-called “Name of the Day” has been terrible lately. What kind of names are Skanawati, Thuong, → full article
Hi Jennifer! I’m pregnant and my husband and I were thinking of naming our child Taylor. (We don’t know the gender yet) Are there any → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I heard the name Tammin from actress Tammin Sursok. I think it’s very pretty, and couldn’t find any background information about it on → full article
Hi Jennifer!
I want to bounce something off of someone else besides a family member. So I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby, due in December. → full article
Hello Jennifer!
First I want to say I absolutely love your site and really enjoy reading up on your blog and all the name advice → full article
Dear Jennifer,
First off, I want to say I love your website. I am an aspiring author who has always been curious about names anyway, → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I’m in the process of transitioning and having a tough time picking my new name. Some background: I am 32, and was born → full article
Dear Jennifer,
Like many others, I’ve had baby names picked out since I was a kid–well, one, actually: the name Cadence for a girl. I → full article