Does the name Benjamin Arnold sound like the traitor?
Hi Jennifer,
My husband and I have been debating baby names for a few months now. I love the name Benjamin even though it is → full article
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Hi Jennifer,
My husband and I have been debating baby names for a few months now. I love the name Benjamin even though it is → full article
Just like all lore, there are baby names myths and legends that have been perpetuated in our society. Surely you or someone who knows someone → full article
Hi Jennifer,
There’s a name that I read in a book that I like: Donnigan. It sounds Irish, but I wasn’t sure, and I was also hoping you might be able to help find the meaning as well.
There are some very cool and unique baby names that are hitting the charts and climbing fast for 2017. Most often a name will suddenly → full article
Dear Jennifer,
We are expecting a baby girl in February and still can’t decide on a name! Our last name is Rauchhaupt (pronounced r-owsh-how-pt) so → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I’m at wit’s end. I though we had settled on a baby name (Charlotte Avery), but then one day my husband said he → full article
Celebrities are historically known to have crazy baby names. But in 2016, it looks like something changed: celebs have opted out of the wild & → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I know that you and your sisters own and run this site, so here’s my question to you: what did you name your → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I see several different sources that post the Top Baby Names of the Year, but they’re different. Why is that?
Sincerely, Rebecca H. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My partner and I are both creative types — he’s a musician and I’m a visual artist. We didn’t want just any baby → full article
Dear Jennifer,
You might get this question all the time, but why do celebrities choose such crazy baby names? Is it just to get publicity? → full article
So what are the biggest baby name trends in 2016 so far? I bet you’re wondering which names are climbing and which are falling. Well, → full article
Hi There,
I was visiting my grandmother over the weekend and we were talking about family names. Her mother, my great -grandmother, was named Elwilda. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve read your Q&A for years even though this is my first time expecting.
We won’t find out what we’re having before the → full article
Hi Jennifer,
I couldn’t find my name on your list, Themis, I am looking into the meaning and origins of it. Is there an alternate → full article