25 Wildly Cool Animal Baby Names
Along with nature and word names, animal baby names are on the rise! If you’re looking for some to add to your list, look no further. Here are 25 animals that are ready to be given as names!
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Along with nature and word names, animal baby names are on the rise! If you’re looking for some to add to your list, look no further. Here are 25 animals that are ready to be given as names!
Maybe it’s the influence of Disney’s Hercules or the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, but mythology names are on the rise! Parents are also → full article
Parents are seeking out more unique names, intentionally avoiding names that rank in the top ten of the popularity charts. But if you love a → full article
Studies show the average American will spend the equivalent of nine years of their life watching television, including commercials! Even if you’ve never owned a → full article
My parents unknowingly named me after the popular Yiddishism, “shayna maidel.”
My name is Shana Medel, pronounced Shah-nah Muh-dell. Over the years, it has been → full article
Giving birth during quarantine is not an easy feat. But life goes on…literally! Instead of focusing on fear, let’s celebrate our strength, resilience, and togetherness during this time. We’ve put together a list of baby names that celebrate new life and those qualities.
Since there was a delay in the Social Security Administration top baby names list for 2019, we’ve decided to tabulate the top 100 trending baby names of 2020 (so far). This list is calculated from our user’s favorite name lists, from December 1, 2019 through May 9, 2020. Updated to Add: See the Final Top Names of 2020!
When I was a young child growing up in Ireland, my two elderly neighbors who were sisters were named Pans and Violet. My sisters and → full article
If you find yourself searching for baby names inspired by doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers these days, you’re not alone. People everywhere are looking → full article
They may be leaders of this great nation, but United States presidents are just like the rest of us in some ways: they’ve got all → full article
It’s not unusual to look up into the sky for inspiration when it comes to searching for the perfect name. After all, many parents feel → full article
It’s the end of the year and now time to wrap up the celebrity baby names of 2019. Our least and most favorite names come from all babies born to at least one celebrity in 2019. Here are the Best and Worst Celebrity Baby Names of 2019.
From Ariel in The Little Mermaid to Zazu in The Lion King, the Walt Disney Company has been coming up with creative names of colorful → full article
Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, Harvey – why are storms given human names? As a personal name enthusiast I’ve always wondered this myself, so I did a → full article