Baby Names Lists & Trends
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
Using the Social Security Administration’s Top 1000, data from Ireland’s Central Statistics Office, and our own trending names we’ve compiled a list of 100 popular Irish names that are most commonly given to babies. Which Irish names are your favorites?
Gender neutral names are more popular than ever and are continuing to trend! Using the Social Security Administration’s Top 1000 and trending names from our → full article
We constantly tabulate the top names, according to our millions of users. Here is a list of the top most popular boy names of to → full article
The medieval period approximately spans from the 5th to late 15th centuries CE, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance and → full article
Here is the full roster of athletes from the 2021 U.S. Olympic team for your baby names inspiration!
Here are the top names of 2021 so far, calculated from millions of members. Some will surprise you!
The Bible is one of the most important religious texts of all time. At about 2,700 years old, it contains a vast pool of personal → full article
The Bible is one of the most important religious texts of all time. At about 2,700 years old, it contains a vast pool of personal → full article
Summer is one of the most exciting times of the year with its long warm days and fun activities. If you’re searching for a summer → full article
After working with expecting and new parents for over 25 years, I’ve learned quite a lot about the baby naming process. We’ve gone through the → full article
Are you a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? There are many amazing names of heroes and their allies from the Marvel Universe that → full article
Baby names that mean “Beautiful” are as diverse as the world itself, and represent a variety of cultures. Beautiful baby names are applicable for any gender, and some are even gender-neutral.
Chicago: the windy city, my kind of town, that toddlin’ town. This major metropolitan city in the heart of the U.S. has a rich history → full article
J.R.R. Tolkien had a fascination with language and etymology. Not only did he create most of these names specifically for the land of Middle-Earth, Professor → full article