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28 search results for "male baby names book"

95 Aztec Baby Names

95 Aztec Baby Names

The Aztec people, who flourished in Mesoamerica from the 14th to the 16th centuries, bestowed upon their children names with significance, reflecting a complex web of cultural, religious, and societal influences. Many Aztec names are inspired by nature, gods, or characteristics. Read More
1000 most popular last names in the United States

1,000 Most Popular Last Names in the U.S.

Each decade, the U.S. census bureau compiles the top last names in the United States. We have added origins and meanings to this list to give you a comprehensive collection of the top U.S. surnames. The background of the top surnames/last names in the United States are primarily English, Spanish, Celtic, and Asian. Read More

35+ Holiday Baby Names

35+ Holiday Inspired Baby Names

Are you looking for a wonderful Holiday Name for your December baby? Or are you trying to name a cast of Hallmark characters for your upcoming movie? Maybe a new pet? We’ve assembled this list of Holiday and Christmas names to spark that creativity and inspire you throughout the season. Read More

Names from Twilight

Twilight Names

Names from the Twilight series of novels and movies have stood the test of time, still ranking in the U.S. Baby Name charts since the release of the first of the series in 2005. In fact, author Stephenie Meyer, just might have started the “old fashioned” baby name trend that began around that time, since the vampire characters were over a century old. Read More

Popular Japanese Baby Names

Popular Japanese Baby Names

Japan has some of the most lovely sounding baby names in the world, and the most interesting historical naming conventions. The meanings of names in Japan varies depending on the kanji, or characters, associated with the sound of the name. Read More

Hurricane Names 2022-2026

Hurricane Names 2022-2026

Heads up! Here is the list of assigned names for storms in the United States from 2022-2026 as chosen by the World Meteorological Association. You might want to avoid using these names for your baby, so they won’t be associated with a huge weather event. Read More

Transcript 83: Names and Women’s Rights


#83 Names and Women’s Rights

J: I’m Jennifer Moss.

M: And I’m Mallory Moss.

J: And we’re the founders of BabyNames.com. 

M: And we’re sisters, too (singing)

J: Yes, we are! And our first segment is always INTERESTING Names we’ve found since the last episode

J: Well there’s certainly a CELEBRITY baby name that is interesting, but I’ll save that for our celebrity news segment. Read More

Top Names of 2022 (So Far)

100 Top Names of 2022 (so far)

Want to know the top baby names for 2022 that are trending to date? Here is a list of the top boy, girl, and gender-neutral baby names of 2022 that are trending for the first four months of the year with commentary by BabyNames.com co-founder, Mallory Moss:

So far, the top most popular names of 2022 have yielded some shocking surprises…and some not so surprising, since we predicted them. Read More

The background is a close up of Michelangelo's Creation of David, of the hands reaching out. The title says 20 Renaissance Baby Names.

20 Renaissance Baby Names

Following the European medieval period, the Renaissance era is considered to be from the 14th or 15th centuries to the 17th. It was a time of cultural, artistic, and political change and was focused on the concepts of rediscovery and progress. Read More

The background is a tree without leaves at night with a large moon and bats flying. The title says Spooky Names.

Spooky Names

Names guaranteed to scare the pants off of you! Spooky names for Halloween and other creepy, crawly times of the year. Although you might not want to choose a spooky name when considering names for your baby, you might want to use these names for gaming, roleplaying, or even a new pet! Read More

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