Trending Baby Names for 2023
After analyzing the names that our users are adding to their favorite name lists, we’ve compiled a list of the trending baby names for 2023 (and beyond)!
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
After analyzing the names that our users are adding to their favorite name lists, we’ve compiled a list of the trending baby names for 2023 (and beyond)!
As part of our Baby Names Around the World series, it only makes sense to spend time looking at the traditionally beautiful and strong baby → full article
Japan has some of the most lovely sounding baby names in the world, and the most interesting historical naming conventions. The meanings of names in → full article
Norse mythology never fails to capture the interest of people around the world! The stories and characters have been used again and again throughout history, → full article
Nature names are one of the current biggest trends! If you’re a fan of them, there are so many great options to choose from. It might be helpful to narrow down what kind of nature you want a name to represent. One of the most beautiful things in nature are forests. If forest themed nature names appeal to you, then this list will help you find one!
Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises of all time. And for good reason! The original film, released in 1977, struck a chord → full article
If you’re looking for names with positive meanings, look no further! What could be more pleasant than a meaning related to happiness? It’s a wonderful emotion that is connected to the best times in our lives, so a baby name meaning “happy” would be a great way to mark the occasion of welcoming your bundle of joy. Or maybe your bundle of fur, as these names could also work well as pet names!
The night sky has forever captured the interest of people. It’s dark, mysterious, and full of beautiful sights. Why not use it as an inspiration for a baby name? Unlike our blog 20 Space Baby Names that focuses on the names of celestial bodies, this list is compiled of names with night sky meanings. What do you think of these night sky themed names?
When looking for names, you might be searching for options with a good meaning! Bravery is one of the best qualities a person can have, → full article
Everyone is familiar with occupational names, whether you realize it or not! Most are commonly known as surnames, but some have become popular as personal → full article
The French have always had an influence on American culture, from fashion to food to names! Here are the top trending French names in the → full article
Roman mythology is an ancient group of myths created by the Roman people. While the collection of myths do have their own unique qualities, the → full article
Light has many positive associations, often related to the concept of morality. It has been used as a way to represent goodness, hope, purity, justice, → full article