Baby Names Lists & Trends
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
When choosing a name for their baby, many parents are also concerned about the child’s nickname. Nicknames have been a fundamental part of our culture for centuries. They serve as shorthand names for friends and family, as well as expressions of endearment – or sometimes teasing. → full article
Here are some really cool unique baby names that ranked in the top 1000 for 2023 and beyond, but aren't too popular. What do you think?
Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a momentous decision that reflects not only your hopes and dreams but also the unique personality you envision for your little one. Among the many options, baby boy names that start with the letter “A” offer a diverse and captivating array of options. → full article
Naming conventions and trends can vary by geographical area, depending on its population, culture mix, immigration trends, and percentage of indiginous people. After reviewing the current popular names data by State from the U.S. → full article
If you’re expecting an October baby, or looking to name a new pet or fictional character, we have curated the best spooky names just for you. Choosing a scary name for your little one is like crafting a little masterpiece of macabre. → full article
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, created by J.R.R. Tolkien, has captivated the hearts and minds of fans worldwide since 1937. From its deep mythology to its rich characters, this epic fantasy series of books and films provides a treasure trove of baby names inspiration. → full article
Names from the Twilight series of novels and movies have stood the test of time, still ranking in the U.S. Baby Name charts since the release of the first of the series in 2005.
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If you’re a Hunger Games fan as much as I am, you might want to consider some Hunger Games Character Names if and when you’re choosing a name for your baby…or pet, or gaming characters! → full article
We’ve compiled a list of the top baby names of 2023 so far, according to the favorite name lists of the millions of users who visit! Do any of these surprise you?
From the timeless elegance of George and Thomas to the evergreen names of John and Joe, each U.S. president’s name carries a unique story, and reflects the era in which they governed. The most common name among U.S. → full article
Leading up to the birth of our first son, Chloe (my girlfriend at the time) and I struggled to find the perfect name. After weeks of back and forth, we finally agreed on “Keats,” in honor of Chloe’s favorite grandmother and my favorite poet. → full article
Looking to your roots for name inspo? Our baby name researchers dive into the rich tapestry of African cultures to unveil a treasure trove of over 200 unique names from African culture. From the mesmerizing landscapes of Morocco to the vibrant culture of Kenya, Africa’s diverse heritage has blessed the world with an abundance of captivating monikers. → full article
William Shakespeare wrote the famous line “What is in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Old Will loved to use unique names and even created some of his own. → full article
Have you ever wondered what names people were searching for most on the site? Well we did a little data mining in the last month, and here are the results. Listen to the Baby Names Podcast episode and find out what we think about it! → full article
There are many reasons why a celebrity will change their name or choose a completely different stage name than the one they were born with. Most often they’ll change names to stand out from the crowd, and have a more memorable name. → full article